Japanese | English
(February 28, 2025)
Official Profile
Masatoshi Kumagai
Born in Nagano Prefecture on July 17, 1963. Blood type: O.
Founder, Chairman, and Group CEO,
GMO Internet Group, Inc.
[License] Helicopter & Airplane Pilot / Motorcycle Driver License (unlimited) / Car Driver License for middle size vehicle / First Class Small Vessel Operator / PADI Rescue Diver
[Hobbies] DJ / Wine / Ski / Art / Kimono / Making many people smile
――Leading the GMO Internet Group, which is comprised of 114 Group companies including 10 listed companies, some of which are listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). The number of partners (employees) is 7,565(as of the end of December 2024).
――Founded Voice Media (currently, GMO Internet Group, Inc.) and was appointed as President and Representative Director in 1991. In 1999, the company became the first “Independent Internet Venture” to be listed in Japan.
――Under the corporate slogan “Internet for Everyone” GMO Internet Group comprehensively develops Internet Infrastructure, Internet Security, Online Advertising & Media, Internet Finance, and Crypto assets businesses.
Internet banking business, which professes to be a tech bank, has been launched in July 2018.
Partners will unite to comprehensively develop Internet businesses by creating new Internet culture and industry, dreams, and excitement, and striving towards contributing to society.
――Main awards won by Kumagai include Nikkei Venture’s “Venture of the Year 1999” (2nd place for the category for IPO) won in 2000,
Newsweek’s “Super CEOs (10 innovative businessmen from around the world)” in 2005,
Keizaikai’s “38th Keizaikai Outstanding Businessman Award” in 2013,
Zaikai’s “58th Zaikai Award & Businessman Award” in 2016,
Kigyoka Club’s “19th Entrepreneur Award” in 2017,
and Keizaikai’s “46th Keizaikai Special Award” in 2022.
-―In addition to work, I realized dreams that I wrote in my diary one after another, which were related to health, spirit, education and private life.
Air: private pilot certificate for helicopter & airplane
Sea: permit of first-class boat’s operator and PADI’s qualified rescue diver
Land: medium vehicle class 1 license, heavy motorcycle license.
I am aiming to acquire an instrument flight certification with a small HondaJet to operate the Gulfstream G650ER, a large private jet.
* “I decided to fly” Season 2: my path to acquiring a private jet pilot certificate. Airframe to be operated and methods to make dreams come true.https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=8920
*In recognition of this career, we became the first Japanese pilot to pilot a “flying car” in a demonstration experiment.
1-year-old. I’ve always liked vehicles.
* Motto
Where there is a dream, there is action
Action creates habit
Habit creates personality
Personality creates destiny
When I was 20 years old, I wrote down all of the dreams of my life, used a notebook to build habits, and realized my dreams.
These words are my life.
* Your dreams will come true with one diary
This is the title of the book published in 2004. This book explains simple ways to realize your dreams and become the person you wish to be, not how to use the diary efficiently.
It is a long-seller, selling over 240,000 copies including the book “An illustration: your dreams will come true with one diary.”
“Diary that makes your dreams come true. byGMO” for the year 2023 is sold on Kumagai☆Style SHOP (https://shop.kumagai.com/), an official retailing site that sells the original diary.
* I have launched an app that offers expertise in making dreams come true for free. Use “App that makes your dreams come true. byGMO” to achieve your dreams and smile.
* My hobby is to see people smile.
Challenge myself in new ways to create more smiles. If you read this profile, you will understand my character.
* I like liquor.
I love wine and whiskey, especially red Bordeaux wine and Islay whiskey. I also like relatively old champagne.
I also enjoy blind tasting to identify the type of wine by the smell, taste, color, etc., though I often make mistakes.
However, in order to improve my performance, I have recently reduced the amount of alcohol intake to once every two days.
I intended to invest only in the Internet industry but I became a major outside shareholder of the wine importer VIN PASSION because of my hobby.
* I quit smoking when I was 20 years old.
I don’t smoke.
Smoking in front of me is a group taboo (if I understand correctly lol).
A customer who read this profile hesitated to smoke in front of me lol I lacked consideration. I don’t mind people smoking in front of me at a party.
I dropped out of high school and university, and I am ashamed of myself.I did not study at all as I was confident, for no good reason, that I could achieve anything.During the career counseling in my third year at junior high school, I told my form teacher that I would like to go to Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School or Kokugakuin High School. (I simply wanted to enjoy my time at a coed high school around Aoyama.)
Kindergarten entrance ceremony lol
He said, “You can try but you will never pass the exam.” Furthermore, he asked the other teachers surrounding us, “Do you think that Kumagai will pass the exam?” They all laughed at me.
The standard score of both schools is 65 or more. It certainly seemed impossible to pass the exam, considering my academic results then. However, the words and attitude of the form teacher really disappointed me, so I studied desperately.
Sixth-grade elementary school student wearing a pantaloon.
As a result, I was able to pass the exam of Kokugakuin High School with the highest mark!
At the entrance ceremony, the school requested me to make a speech on behalf of the freshmen.
The president of Kokugakuin University and the principal of Kokugakuin High School told me to go to the University of Tokyo rather than Kokugakuin University.
I was the male version of Flying Colors until then.This experience led to a false belief that I can achieve anything if I put an effort into it.
The third grade of junior high school. I, right, am pictured with my classmates.
In my second year, I didn’t study at all and my ranking fell to 500 or below out of 600 students, and the head teacher kept an eye on me. I dropped out in the summer of that year.
I strongly realized the need to study after I turned 20 years old.
The Open University of Japan was founded in 1985, and I entered the university as a member of the inaugural class (student number 4) using the special enrollments program but my work was busy and I was expelled after the end of the period of attendance at the university.
I feel ashamed. Afterward, I have been studying by myself.
* Reading
I love reading. I am good at stockpiling books – the so-called “tsundoku”.
To learn is to know what you do not know. It was reading that made me realize this.
When I was 20 years old, my father asked me, “Can you tell the difference between animals and humans?”
“Humans can experience the life of a person in a few hours through books, so read books and keep studying throughout your life.”
People tend to misunderstand that they know everything. I was like that.
However, if you read a book, you will notice your ignorance.
“I should have read this earlier!” “I didn’t know this!” I only have superficial knowledge, and I am responsible for that.
To realize what you do not know is “learning.”
Although I buy books, I recently do not have time to read them, so I stockpile them. Books do not rot but it is meaningless to just own them.
* Sports
– Martial arts
When I was a child, I went to the Ikebukuro Kyokushinkaikan to learn Kyokushin Karate but was so frightened that I immediately quit.
When I was in my thirties, I obtained the brown belt in Shorinji Kempo. I learned Shorinji Kempo at Nippon Sport Science University on Sundays.
When I was in my fifties, I learned Krav Maga, the world’s strongest self-defense technique.
– Swimming
I love swimming. I used to go to TAC in Nakano. I am good at swimming.
I resumed swimming in the summer of 2022 because I had a frozen shoulder.I swim 1km every two days. And I reached 100 km in six months.
– Basketball
When I was in junior high school, I was addicted to basketball. I practiced every day and every night at a park but I didn’t have the talent.
– Ski
When I was living in Nagano Prefecture, I skied a lot, so I’m a good skier.
When I was in junior high school, I went to Hokkaido alone and worked part-time at the ski school of the Otaru Tenguyama Ski Resort’s youth hostel. I wore a pair of jeans and skied behind the students as an assistant of the coach. I was young.
These days, skiing is more fun because an equipment has evolved rather than my skills.
My dream is to go to famous ski resorts around the world on my airplane lol
– Diving
I am PADI’s qualified rescue diver. I want to dive into a beautiful sea if I have a chance. I want to go to beautiful beaches around the world on my airplane.
– Cruising
I have a permit of first-class boat’s operator and own 2 cruisers (one is 62 feet and the other is 100 feet). I love cruising. The cruisers are equipped with an oxygen cylinder filling machine. You can also dive from the cruisers. I am a member of multiple marinas around Kanto region.
– Triathlons
One of my dreams was to win triathlons (past tense).
For swimming, I support Japan’s national swimming team as the main sponsor. As for running, I support professional runners through the corporate team GMO Internet Group RUNNING TEAM, hoping to fulfill my dream.
I bench-pressed 110 kg at the age of 52
– Weight training
I have been doing weight training 2-3 times a week for over 38 years.
I do 1 rep in the bench press with 110 kg. I am quite muscular.
– Golf
I like golf. However, since both practicing and playing golf take a lot of time, I have been pausing for a while in consideration of the priority of my life.
– Golf club
I run Ibaraki Prefecture’s “Eagle Point Golf Club” with friends. I also serve as a board member of the above club and a club in Karuizawa. I am also a member of several golf clubs around the Kanto region, Karuizawa, Hakone, and Honolulu. I will eventually resume playing golf!That concludes sports.
* Health
I was selected and awarded as a representative of Higashi-Nakano Elementary School in the commendation for the best healthy children, which was started in 1930 as “the search for the best Momotaro in Japan” :).
On the health side, I pay attention to the balance of exercise, nutrition, sleep, medical examination, and positive thinking.For nutrition, I reduce calories and aim to sleep 7.5 hours, using Apple watch and an application to manage data (highly recommended).
I undergo a comprehensive medical examination twice a year and have a blood test and microarray test every month lol
What is most important is positive thinking. I am always positive.
For relaxation, I like shiatsu. I also like relaxing music and incense.
As for exercise and health, I recommend the following 2 articles.
– Prioritize health to achieve high performance: why Japanese businessmen do weight training more than 30 years (PHP/THE21ONLINE)
– Health capital: what one in one thousand does for health [President Kumagai, GMO] (Nikkei/Gooday)
I like vehicles so much that I have conquered land, sea, and air at the age of 55!
* Qualifications
Conquered land, sea and air at the age of 55 lol
For land, I have a medium vehicle class 1 license and a heavy motorcycle license.
For sea, I have a permit of first-class boat’s operator and I am PADI’s qualified rescue diver but my skin is weak and I do not want my skin to be suntanned.
For air, I have always dreamed of flying and acquired a private pilot certificate for a helicopter at the age of 55. I have also acquired a private pilot certificate for an airplane at the age of 57.
[Helicopter] Private pilot, rotorcraft, and land-based multiple-engine turbine license
[Aircraft] Private pilot, airplane, land-based multiple-engine turbine license.
I am aiming to acquire an instrument flight certification with a small HondaJet to operate the Gulfstream G650ER, a large private jet!
* ”I decided to fly” Season1: my path to acquiring a helicopter pilot certificate
- [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_1] I decided to fly (May 16, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=3695 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_2] Received a student pilot permit and a permit of aeronautical special radio operators (June 13, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4137 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_3] Flew (July 4, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4205 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_4] Took the national exam of the pilot certificate (July 11, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4229 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_5] Passed 3 courses (August 18, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4612 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_6] Boarded the real Black Hawk (October 17, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4444 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_7] Took the national exam of the pilot certificate (cont.; November 14, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4695 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_8] Received flight training 🚁 (November 24, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4783 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_9] Bought a helicopter (November 28, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4811 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_10]Passed the written exam on 5 subjects (December 9, 2016)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=4835 - [Helicopter/My path to becoming a pilot_11] Became a pilot, realizing my dream (December 3, 2018)
* “I decided to fly” Season 2: my path to acquiring a private jet pilot certificate
- [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_1] Next, I’m going to get a private pilot certificate for airplane (March 18, 2019)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=6813 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_2] I managed to pass the aeronautical engineering examination (April 13, 2019)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=7099 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_3] You can become the person you want to be (May 23, 2019)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=7321 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_4] Flight Training @ Fukushima Airport (June 17, 2019)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=7474 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_5] I’m getting used to flying airplanes little by little (October 2, 2019)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=7871 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_6] Airframe to be operated and methods to make dreams come true (June 5, 2020)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=8920 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_7] Training-related tweets from November 29, 2020, to July 4, 2021 (in brief)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=11314 - [PJ/My path to becoming a pilot_8] Became a pilot of both airplane and helicopter, realizing my dream (July 8, 2021)
“I decided to fly” Bonus
Became the pilot of Japan’s first “flying car“.
GMO is promoting the social implementation of “flying cars” through the provision of security technology. I have proven safety by flying as a pilot my selves.
- Flight training – License acquisition (SNS)
https://twitter.com/m_kumagai/status/1626508612431450113 - GMO Internet Group, Founder and Group CEO Masatoshi Kumagai to Pilot “Flying Cars” (Press Release)
https://www.gmo.jp/news/article/8204/ - GMO, Group Founder and Group CEO becomes “Flying Car” Pilot. First Japanese to obtain an entry-level pilot certificate (DRONE.jp)
https://www.drone.jp/news/2023021017283262431.html - First Public Showing in Japan, Founder and Group CEO Masatoshi Kumagai himself become the pilot and conducted a demonstration flight of the “Flying Car”. (Press Release)
https://www.gmo.jp/news/article/8286/ - The scene on the day(SNS)
https://www.kumagai.com/?eid=13628 - For the first time in Japan, in Osaka, the “Flying Car” was flown outdoors under the control of a pilot. (Nikkei)
https://www.nikkei.com/nkd/company/article/?DisplayType=1&ba=1&ng=DGXZQOUF066UH0W3A300C2000000&scode=9201 - LIFT AIRCRAFT’s eVTOL “HEXA” finally makes its first flight in Japan, piloted by GMO Founder and Group CEO Mr. Kumagai (DRONE.jp)
* Food
I think everyone is the same but I love delicious food.
I don’t eat much.
Japanese, Western, Chinese… I like everything! I don’t have likes and dislikes but in the past, I’ve eaten my favorite food so much that I have acquired allergies (abalone, oyster).
My hobby is to find cheap and delicious restaurants.
Cooking is the most difficult skill that is the closest to seeing people smile.
If I can retire in the future, one of my dreams will be to serve the best hand-made dishes and the best wines to the people around me.
I am planning to befriend the best chefs in Japan to learn cooking from them. (I would like to thank all the chefs I know!)
Julian Opie, Andy Warhol and Banksy
* Design & Art
I like beautiful designs and contemporary art.
I am attracted to Julian Opie, Andy Warhol, and Banksy, an art terrorist.
Art is not something to be stored in a warehouse. So I want as many people as possible to enjoy and be inspired by art.
I named my office “GMO Gallery” and exhibited works by Julien Opie.
“GMO Digital Museum” opened in Shibuya FUKURAS, the second headquarters of the GMO Internet Group, and is currently exhibiting Banksy’s works.
– Masatoshi Kumagai Collection
Opie’s drawing style is beautiful, mysterious, and pop, though it is the ultimate form of minimalism.
I feel that there is something in common between Opie’s artwork and computers, which process all information with “0” and “1,” and the Internet.
If I become excited, I will not stop pursuing until I become No. 1, whether it be work or hobby. When I noticed, I was the world’s largest collector of Opie.
I feel at ease when I look at the beautiful design and the wonderful art.
Please refer to this article for more details on art.
– Masatoshi Kumagai, GMO Internet Group, “There is a world that can be seen because we are the best in both art and business.
– Art in the office is an “expression as a businessman”: an interview with Masatoshi Kumagai
– Masatoshi Kumagai Collection: a new relationship between office and art, and the world of Julian Opie
[Reception party video]https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z-3h6F-fh10
A photo of me (the second from the right) traveling alone
* I love traveling
I think I have traveled more than 200 times overseas, including business trips, almost on a monthly basis.
Since I was in elementary school, I was carrying a backpack and traveling alone, hitchhiking all over Japan.
I stayed at a youth hostel or slept in a sleeping bag. I slept at the side of the road or at the station. When I was in junior high school, I dropped my wallet in Hokkaido and worked at a souvenir shop in Utoro, Shiretoko Peninsula, to earn money to return home.
As I have acquired a pilot certificate, my goal is to travel by airplane or helicopter by myself lol
* Music & DJ
I like any genre. I like dance music the best.
When I was a teenager, I was DJ apprentice at a disco called B&B in Shinjuku.
I learned the DJ from TACO, who was the leader of EXILE’s predecessor ZOO, and B&B DJ Thomas. I still play DJ with a loud sound to relieve stress.
Because of this, my father ran a legendary disco called “TWINSTAR” in Kagurazaka.
That was why I was an organizer of EDC Japan as a part of culture support activities over the last three years at ZOZO Marine Stadium & Makuhari Seaside Park.
Eighty thousand people participated each year.
From 2023, GMO SONIC will be held at Saitama Super Arena. The event will feature popular artists from Japan and abroad, including dance music superstars.
As a large-scale music event originating from Japan, the event incorporated a variety of ideas with the keyword of “Wa(Japanese style)” and customers from all over the world enjoyed the fusion of Japanese culture and entertainment.
In 2024, about 40,000 people participated in the event, and many people enjoyed it through YouTube and SNS. We will hold the event again in 2025.
Regarding an instrument, I was learning the electric organ as a child.
I like singing Karaoke but no one listens lol
* Film
I love films. My father used to run a cinema called “Kasakuza” in Iidabashi.
Kasakuza was a quite famous revival house. When I was a high school student, I always watched a movie for free while doing a part-time job lol (this was a secret).
My great uncle is Chōnosuke Iba, the founder of “Japan Natural Color Production,” which was the first to put commercials in the film in Japan. I have a connection to films.
Sometimes I feel that I’m imagining my future based on films. People only grow as much as they can imagine, so you should watch lots of great films to be inspired.
People’s Daily Overseas Edition Japan Monthly, August 2013 issue
* Family lineage
Mr. Nishimura from yumekandou.com made my family tree! If you are interested, please visit here.There are warriors, politicians, doctors, etc.
– Modern and Contemporary Genealogy World (Family tree site of modern and contemporary figures)
– Grandfather Iwao Kumagai and Uncle Heijiro Kumagai.
Both securities and banking are in the family business.
– Great-grandfather Iba Shuei.
My grandmother’s side of the family is a warrior and a doctor.
Grandmother Sadako is a descendant of the Iba family, the head family of the four major Edo dojo “Kenjutsu-Shingyoutou-ryu” , which is connected to Iba Hachiro, who fought against the government forces at the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji Restoration.
– Dear Relatives: Kumagai Family Genealogical Records Released
Zaikai, September 22, 2015 issue
Venture Tsushin, April 2020 issue
* My hobbies: smile and work
Looking back on my life at this age, I realized that my hobby was to see people smile. This does not mean that I make people laugh by saying boring jokes. “Challenge myself in new ways to create smiles.” This is my hobby. I always loved when people around me were happy and smiling, and enjoyed surprising people in a good way.
I traveled alone when I was a kid because, in addition to being able to gain 1 year’s worth of experience in just a month, I wanted to surprise my parents and relatives.
I am neither a talented sportsman nor a talented artist, so it is impossible for me to make people smile through my hobbies.
That is why I want to take on difficult tasks and challenge myself in new ways to create smiles.
I want to see people smile and surprise them, and I have many complexes, including my academic background, which are the driving force behind my work.
Keizaikai, November 15, 2016 issue
* Bonus
I really like organizing. Is my blood type really O? I don’t think that I have the best understanding of my character lol. In terms of work, I seem to have the ability to endure, continue, and concentrate. I will do what I decide. I am determined.
Keizaikai, January 2021 issue
Venture Tsushin, October 2021 issue
*GMOism: Venture Spirit Declaration and 55-year plan
I am now 61 years old. GMO Internet Group is currently comprised of 114 group companies and 10 listed companies. Total market capitalization reached 1.44 trillion yen, the number of customers reached 17.38 million, and the number of partners were 7,565.
As a result, the consolidated net sales and operating profit were JPY 277.4 billion and JPY 46.6 billion, respectively, in FY2024. We achieved sales growth for the 16th consecutive year.
Sharing GMOism/Venture Spirit Declaration with the other partners involved is the driving force for everything. We will unite to achieve the 55-year plan, which is our great dream.
Main titles
* Founder and Group CEO of GMO Internet Group, Inc.
The Prime Market of the TSE; Code No. 9449
* Chairman and Director, GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
The Prime Market of the TSE; Code No. 3769
* Chairman, GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.
The Prime Market of the TSE; Code No. 3788
* Chairman, GMO AD Partners, Inc.
The Standard Market of the TSE; Code No. 4784
* Chairperson of the Board of Directors, GMO Pepabo, Inc.
The Standard Market of the TSE; Code No. 3633
* Chairman, GMO Research, Inc.
The Glowth Market of the TSE; Code No. 3695
* Chairman, GMO TECH, Inc.
The Glowth Market of the TSE; Code No. 6026
* Chairman, GMO Media, Inc.
The Glowth Market of the TSE; Code No. 6180
* Chairman, GMO Internet Foundation (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation)
* Chairman, Kumagai Masatoshi Culture Foundation (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation)
* Chairman, President, and Representative Director, and Director of other GMO Internet Group companies
Chambellan,Ordre Des Coteaux De Champagne
– [BLOG] Appointed as the Chambellan, the highest-ranking among the members of the Ordre Des Coteaux De Champagne. (June 20, 2016.)
Officier Honoraire, The Knights of the Drops of God (as of December 2015)
GMO Internet Group Profile
- May 1991
- Founded Voice Media, Inc. (currently, GMO Internet Group Inc.) . Appointed as the CEO.
- December 1995
- InterQ, Inc. (currently, GMO Internet Group Inc.) launched an Internet business
- August 1999
- InterQ, Inc. (currently, GMO Internet Group Inc.) became the first independent Internet start-up to be listed on the OTC market (Code No. 9449).
- September 2000
- MagClick, Inc. (currently, GMO Ad Partners Inc.) was listed on NASDAQ Japan (currently, Hercules) 364 days after its foundation, the fastest ever listing on stock exchange.
- February 2004
- Global Media Online, Inc. (currently, GMO Internet Group Inc.)was listed on the Second Section of the TSE
- April 2005
- GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the third GMO Internet Group company to be listed.
- June 2005
- Reassignment to the First Section of the TSE
- December 2005
- GMO Hosting & Security, Inc. (currently, GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.) was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the fourth GMO Internet Group company to be listed
- September 2008
- GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. was reassigned to the First Section of the TSE, the second GMO Internet Group company to be listed on the First Section of the TSE.
- December 2008
- paperboy&co., Inc. (currently,GMO Pepabo, Inc.) was listed on the JASDAQ, the fifth GMO Internet Group company to be listed
- September 2012
- FX Prime, Inc. (currently, GMO Coin, Inc.), which was listed on JASDAQ, joined the GMO Internet Group, the sixth listed GMO Internet Group company.
- October 2014
- GMO Research, Inc. (currently, GMO Research & AI, Inc.) was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the seventh GMO Internet Group company to be listed.
- October 2014
- GMO CLOUD, Inc. (currently, GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.) was reassigned to the First Section of the TSE, the third GMO Internet Group company to be listed on the First Section of the TSE.
- December 2014
- GMO TECH, Inc. was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the eighth GMO Internet Group company to be listed.
- April 2015
- GMO CLICK Holdings, Inc. (currently, GMO Financial Holdings, Inc.; Code No. 7177) acquired control of FX Prime byGMO through a share exchange and was technically listed on the JASDAQ.
- October 2015
- GMO Media, Inc. was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the ninth GMO Internet Group company to be listed.
- December 2019
- GMO Pepabo, Inc. has changed the listing of its shares from the JASDAQ (Standard) market to the Second Section of the TSE
- October 2020
- GMO Financial Gate, Inc. was listed on the Mothers of the TSE, the 10th GMO Internet Group company to be listed.
- December 2020
- GMO Pepabo, Inc. has changed the listing of its shares from the Second Section of the TSE to the First Section of TSE.
- June 2024
- Establishment of GMO AI & Robotics Corporation (GMO AIR)
- January 2025
- GMO Ad Partners Inc. will change its name to “GMO Internet Inc.” (planned) and switch from the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market to the Prime Market (planned)
GMO Internet Group Inc. will transition to a holding company (planned)
Main achievements and awards
- December 1999
- Appointed as a member of the “Investigation Group on Next-Generation Internet Policy” of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (currently, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
- December 1999
- The Japan Internet Providers Association was established and Kumagai was appointed as the Vice President
- December 1999
- Appointed as an incorporator of NASDAQ Japan (currently, Hercules)
- December 1999
- No. 5 company listed on the OTC market in 1999 selected by the market according to Nikkei
- January 2000
- [Nikkei Venture] 1999 Venture of the Year (2nd place for the category for IPO)
- September 2003
- Selected in “Japan Technology Fast 50” (a program that honors 50 fast-growing technology companies in Japan based on the revenue growth rates of the most recent three fiscal years calculated by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- October 2003
- Selected in the Forbes magazine “Best Under a Billion, Forbes Global’s 200 Best Small Companies for 2003” (ranked in the top 200 out of 19,000 growth companies outside the US with annual net sales of USD 1 billion or less or listed in the OTC market
- November 2003
- Selected as one of the JASDAQ’s “J-Stocks,” which is a collection of start-ups in Japan
- December 2003
- Selected in “Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500™” (a program that honors the 500 fastest-growing technology companies in the Asia-Pacific region based on net sales growth rates of the most recent three fiscal years calculated by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- June 2004
- [Kigyoka Club] the 6th Entrepreneur Award of the Kigyoka Network
- September 2004
- Two consolidated subsidiaries – MagClick, Inc. (currently, GMO AD Partners, Inc.) and GMO Hosting & Technologies, Inc. (currently, GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.) – were selected in “Japan Technology Fast 50” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- December 2004
- Two consolidated subsidiaries – MagClick, Inc. (currently, GMO AD Partners, Inc.) and GMO Hosting & Technologies, Inc.. (currently, GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.)- were selected in “The Third Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500™” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- June 2005
- Selected in the Newsweek’s “Super CEOs (10 innovative businessmen from around the world)”
- September 2007
- A group company GlobalSign, Inc. (currently, GMO GlobalSign, Inc.) was selected in “The Fifth Japan Technology Fast 50” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- October 2008
- Two group companies – GlobalSign, Inc. (currently, GMO GlobalSign, Inc.) and paperboy&co., Inc. (currently, GMO Pepabo, Inc.) – were selected in “The Sixth Japan Technology Fast 50” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- October 2009
- A group company paperboy&co., Inc. (currently, GMO Pepabo, Inc.) was selected in “The Seventh Japan Technology Fast50” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- November 2010
- A group company paperboy&co., Inc. (currently, GMO Pepabo, Inc.) was selected in “The Seventh Japan Technology Fast 50” by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- September 2011
- Kabushiki Nippon: one of the “Businessmen selected by readers in 2011
- June 2012
- Appointed as a director of the Japan Association of New Economy
- October 2012
- A member of “Educational Renaissance: Tokyo Round Table Conference” (expired on March 31, 2013)
- January 2013
- Keizaikai’s “38th Keizaikai Outstanding Businessman Award”
- January 2016
- Zaikai’s “58th Zaikai Award & Businessman Award
- January 2016
- “Corporate Value Development Category” in “Chivas Gold Signature Awards 2016 Presented by GOETHE”
- July 2017
- The management magazine Kigyoka Club’s “19th Entrepreneur Award”
- December 2017
- “Businessman Division” in “WELLNESS AWARD OF THE YEAR 2017” sponsored by FiNC, Inc.
- January 2022
- Keizaikai’s “46th Keizaikai Special Award”
- April 2022
- Donated his wealth to Tōmi City, Nagano Prefecture, and received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon.
- December 2023
- Donated his wealth to Tōmi City, Nagano Prefecture, and received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for the second time.
- December 2024
- Donated his wealth to Tōmi City, Nagano Prefecture, and received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for the third time.
Main books,supervision,etc.
- Media
- Venture NOW
- Publication date
- From May 13, 2002, to August 5, 2002
- Title
- THE FOUNDER [The Third Series] Twelve Episodes “Ten Words That Changed My Life”
- Media
- Yukan Fuji
- Publication date
- From June 5, 2003, to July 4, 2003
- Page
- 11
- Column
- The serial “Masatoshi Kumagai: make money with the Internet”
- Publication
- Your dreams will come true with one diary: simple ways to become the person you wish to be
- Publication date
- March 24, 2004
- Publisher
- Kanki Publishing
- Title
- Your dreams will come true with one diary
- Issued region
- Korea
- First published
- November 1, 2004
- November 2004
- “An illustration: your dreams will come true with one diary” published by Kanki Publishing
- December 2004
- Masatoshi Kumagai is an author of “Your dreams will come true with one diary.” The ultimate method he has invented is applied to a day planner developed jointly with the top brand “Bindex”.
Launched “Dream Diary☆Kumagai Style”
- Publication
- Start creating blueprints for your dreams in your twenties: five principles to ensure fast success
- Publication date
- April 20, 2005
- Publisher
- Daiwa Shobo
- Publication
- How to organize information: Kumagai style
- Publication date
- July 4, 2005
- Publisher
- Kanki Publishing
- Publication
- Your dreams will come true with one diary: simple ways to become the person you wish to be
- Issued region
- Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia
- First published
- January 1, 2007
- Title
- How to organize information: Kumagai style
- Issued region
- Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia<
- First published
- January 1, 2007
- Publication
- “Passion for success: messages from 11 entrepreneurs” supervised by Masatoshi Kumagai
- Publication date
- May 1, 2007
- Publisher
- Kanki Publishing
- Title
- “An illustration: your dreams will come true with one diary”
- Issued region
- Korea
- First published
- March 30, 2010
- Title
- Your dreams will come true with one diary: simple ways to become the person you wish to be
- Issued region
- Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia
- Revised edition
- March 8, 2011 (the 22nd impression)
- Title
- Your dreams will come true with one diary: simple ways to become the person you wish to be
- Issued region
- First published
- July 1, 2011
- Publication
- Seven habits – special edition: Masatoshi Kumagai version of the “highlights of the wise man”
- Publication date
- October 3, 2019
- Publisher
- FCE Publishing
Main lectures,speeches,etc
- September 1999
- Companies listed in the OTC market at the Bit Valley
- November 1999
- “The image of a public company that the market seeks” at the Initial Public Offering (IPO) Seminar of the Central Auditor.
- December 1999
- “The world of Internet start-ups from the perspective of InterQ” at the Soft Economics Center
- December 1999
- “The establishment of Mothers and the IT industry” at the Nomura Securities
- January 2000
- “Chance to win” at the Chuokai Management Educational Center
- February 2000
- “The present and the future of Internet business” at the Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
- March 2000
- New Policy Study Group of Liberal Democratic Party
- June 2000
- “Next Generation Internet Business” at the NETWORLD+INTEROP 2000 TOKYO Conference
- June 2000
- Gave a speech on “Ten keys to succeeding in the IPO” and participated in a panel discussion on “IPO and corporate value for IT start-ups” at the IT Start-Up Support EXPO “Foresight 2000”
- July 2000
- “What is the business leader of the 21st century?” at the Golden Jungle Convention 2000
- July 2001
- Master’s program in Management Philosophy at the Hitotsubashi University
- June 2002
- “New Business Committee” of the Junior Chamber International Japan
- July 2002
- “Business plan for the IPO of the start-ups and its implementation” at “The Second IPO Seminar” of the Akiyoshi Certified Public Accounting Firm
- January 2003
- “The 14th Entrepreneur Training Course” at Kenichi Ohmae’s Attackers Business School
- January 2003
- “My Management Philosophy” at the 105th New Year National Businessman Seminar of the Japan Management Consultants Association
- April 2003
- “The business method to realize dreams” to the 16th batch of Kigyoka University
- April 2003
- “Start-ups: dream and success” to the first batch of CXO training course
- September 2003
- The Second Association of Regional Banks
- October 2003
- “My Management Philosophy” at the joint seminar between Young Entrepreneurs Organization (YEO) Japan and the Mirai Jyuku
- November 2003
- “My Business Strategy and Principles for Internet Business” at the Nagoya Branch Study Group of the Kigyoka Network
- December 2003
- The Founder Enterprise Conference in Henan Province, China (hosted by the All-China Youth Federation of the Chinese Communist Party)
- February 2004
- “Business Breakthrough Entrepreneurs Live #51: high ambitions, big dreams, and 55-year plan” at Kenichi Ohmae’s Attackers Business School
- March 2004
- “Successful start-ups: businessmen’s experiences” at the 17th Lecture for the Entrepreneurs and the Management of the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
- June 2004
- Gave a lecture at the 6th Entrepreneur Award to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Kigyoka Network, and received the Internet Infrastructure Construction Award
- June 2004
- Waseda University
- June 2004
- Ryozanpaku, a volunteer group with high ambitions
- August 2004
- A memorial forum for the establishment of Independent School (NPO)
- September 2004
- Nikkei Seminar at Marunouchi OAZO Maruzen Marunouchi Main Store, and graduation ceremony of the 32nd batch of Academyhills ARK Toshijuku
- October 2004
- Meiji University
- October 2004
- Waseda University Business School
- November 2004
- Rikkyo University Business School
- November 2004
- Attended at “New Industry Leaders Summit 2004” hosted by CNET Japan
- December 2004
- Takahisa Iwamoto’s mastermind marketing seminar
- December 2004
- “The 5th consortium/guest speaker lecture” at Hitotsubashi University
- February 2005
- “Special lecture on establishment and management reform” hosted by the Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan in Saitama
- August 2005
- Keynote speech at “KING2005,” a business contest for students
- October 2005
- Had a talk with Seiichiro Yonekura, a professor at the Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research, at “Tokyo International Industry Exhibition 2005”
- October 2005
- Had a talk with Hiroshi Nakata, a mayor of Yokohama, at “Yokohama College Forums 2005”
- July 2006
- “Requirement for winners in start-ups,” a donated course by GMO Internet (currently, GMO Internet Group, Inc.) at Waseda University Graduate School
- November 2006
- Keynote speech on “Leadership” with Mr.Shinsuke Idei, a top adviser of SONY Corporation at New Industry Leaders Summit 2006 Fall
- November 2006
- “Legal work in mergers and acquisitions” at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
- May 2007
- “Entrepreneurship” at an MBA course of Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
- August 2008
- “Startup and stock listing,” at an MBA course of Waseda University Graduate School of Commerce
- September 2009
- “Your dreams will come true with one diary” to the 30th batch of Kigyoka University
- January 2010
- “Start-ups finance theory” at Meiji University
- December 2010
- Gave a speech at “Entrepreneur can change the world,” a special workshop of “Infinity Ventures Summit 2010 Fall Kyoto” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- March 2011
- Gave a lecture at “Entrepreneurs support program SPECIAL seminar” of Business Bank
- April 2011
- “Theory of start-up management” at Aoyama Gakuin University
- May 2011
- Gave a speech at ” Infinity Ventures Summit 2011 Spring” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- June 2011
- “Network Industrial Theory” at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus
- July 2011
- “Android Bazaar and Conference 2011 Summer” hosted by Japan Android Group
- September 2011
- “The 404th September Meeting” hosted by Keizaikai Club Tokyo Branch
- October 2011
- Lecture on diversity management (“A company is a tool to make us happy”) at Women@Google Japan Summit
- December 2011
- Gave a speech at Infinity Ventures Summit 2011 Fall Kyoto” and “Infinity Ventures Summit Winter Workshop2011 (Kyoto University)” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- January 2012
- “Ideal Company” at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
- January 2012
- “Your dreams will come true with one diary” at ACCESSPORT and KINGSOFT
- February 2012
- “Management of Internet company” at Hitachi, Ltd
- February 2012
- “Your dreams will come true with one diary” at seminars and business plan contests held by U.S. Embassy/Tokyo American Center, Keio University SFC Research Institute, and Keio SFC Innovation & Platform Research Consortium
- March 2012
- “Three points of Internet company management” at “The 8th Cyzo presents real business career school” hosted by Cyzo
- June 2012
- “Network Industry Theory” at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus
- June 2012
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2012 Spring” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- July 2012
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit Summer Workshop 2012” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- July 2012
- “Three points of Internet company management” at “Entrepreneurship Lecture,” an opening ceremony for Tokyo Shibuya Learning Center of The Open University of Japan
- October 2012
- Invited to the “4th Educational Renaissance: Tokyo Round Table Conference” and discussed with the Governor of Tokyo on “Internationalization of the economy and human resources development”
- November 2012
- “Leaders Keynote Speech” hosted by Passion Leaders
- December 2012
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2012 Fall Kyoto” and “Infinity Ventures Summit Winter Workshop 2012 (Kyoto University)” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- April 11, 2013
- “Secret of business expansion” at “Tohmatsu Venture Summit 2013” hosted by Tohmatsu Group
- April 16, 2013
- Panel discussion on “How can we promote destructive innovation in Japan?” at “Japan New Economy Summit 2013” hosted by Japan Association of New Economy and supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- April 18, 2013
- “Internet Company Management” at Shimada Juku’s “101st Workshop”
- May 26, 2013
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2013 Spring” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- November 8, 2013
- Lecture hosted by Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tourism and Transportation
- December 2013
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2013 Fall Kyoto” and “Infinity Ventures Summit Winter Workshop 2013 (Kyoto University)” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- April 2014
- Gave a speech at “Panel Discussion DAY2 Summary” of “Japan New Economy Summit 2014” hosted by Japan Association of New Economy
- April 2014
- Panel discussion on “Innovation generated by entrepreneur can change the world” at “G1 Venture” hosted by G1 Summit
- May 2014
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2014 Spring” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- June 2014
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit Summer Workshop 2014” (Keio University) hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- September 2014
- “Internet Company Management” at “2014 Ishin Venture Conference” hosted by Ishin
- December 2014
- Gave a speech at “Infinity Ventures Summit 2014 Fall Kyoto” and
“Infinity Ventures Summit Winter Workshop 2014 (Kyoto University)” hosted by Infinity Ventures LLP
- December 2014
- Aoyama Gakuin 140th Anniversary Talk Session “Messages from three people pursuing their dreams to challengers”
- December 2014
- Panel discussion at “ShippaiRyoku Conference” hosted by Japan Association of New Economy
- April 2015
- Gave a speech at “New Economy Summit 2015” pitch event as a Jury hosted by Japan Association of New Economy
- April 2015
- Panel discussion at “Daiwa IPO Top Management Exchange Meeting”
- June 2015
- “Network Industry Theory” at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus
- December 2015
- “Entrepreneurship” at an MBA course of Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
- April 2016
- Panel discussion at “Daiwa IPO Top Management Exchange Meeting”
- September 2016
- Gave a speech on “What is the job of successful business owner?” at “ICC Conference KYOTO 2016”
- September 2016
- “What the world needs: the power of the future Japanese products”, a talk session with Hidetoshi Nakata at Ad Tech Tokyo 2016
- January 2017
- “Living 100 years: design your future!”, a talk session at
“Financial planning to live 100 years: a long-term investment in ETFs listed on TSE” sponsored by the TSE
- June 2018
- Gave a speech on “CRYPTONOMICS starting from Japan” at “CRYPTONOMICS TOKYO 2018” hosted by TECH WAVE
- September 2018
- Talk session with Tomoko Namba Founder and Executive Chairman, DeNA, and Susumu Fujita CEO, CyberAgent, at keynote speech of “BIT VALLEY 2018” co-hosted by GMO Internet (currently, GMO Internet Group, Inc.), CyberAgent, DeNA, and mixi
- April 2019
- “Learning from an organization that can last hundreds of years: succeeding in IPO,” a keynote speech at “Daiwa Innovation Network Summit 2019.”
- May 2019
- “Your dreams will come true with one diary” as a guest speaker for the course “Leadership Theory” at Sagamihara Campus of Aoyama Gakuin University.
- September 2019
- Gave a speech on “Learn about successful IPO from the organization that achieves hundreds of years of sustainable growth” at “Daiwa Leadership Program”
- September 2020
- Gave a remote keynote speech on “How to create a smart city in Tokyo and Shibuya” at the tech conference “BIT VALLEY 2020”
- January 2021
- Gave a speech on “Computerization Local Authorities Promotion Fair Online 2021” at Computerization Local Authorities Promotion Fair Online 2021.
- February 2021
- Gave a speech on “The Secret to Increased Sales and Profits for 12 Consecutive Fiscal Years – The Overwhelming No. 1 Strategy” at “509th Keizaikai Club Tokyo”.
- May 2022
- Talk show of BMW art car presentation as a collector, promoting modern art as an entrepreneur.
- September 2022
- Participated as a collector in the opening ceremony and talk show of “Fukuoka Art Next FaN Week” held by Fukuoka City. Five works by Julian Opie from Masatoshi Kumagai Collection were exhibited at the Fukuoka Art Museum.
- June 2024
- Delivered a lecture on the theme of “AI for Future Corporate Groups” at the Tokyo West Rotary Club.
- October 2024
- Lectured on “Dreams come true”at the Special Meeting to Commemorate
the 60th Anniversary of KEIZAIKAI CO.,Ltd.
- October 2024
- Lectured on “Dreams, Actions, and Realization” at the Passionate Leaders